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More from Myriah Castillo

    Social media marketing tips you can't grow without

    Social media marketing is here to stay. 10 years ago, it was merely a tool to keep your friends apprised of the type of sandwich you ate for lunch or an outlet for teenagers to post c...
    Myriah Castillo
    By Myriah Castillo
    on October 13, 2020

    Create a social media marketing plan in 7 easy steps

    “A goal without a plan is just a wish” - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry You’ve got big goals when it comes to growing your business with social media. But are you confident you know how ...
    Myriah Castillo
    By Myriah Castillo
    on October 06, 2020

    A modern influencer marketing strategy is different than you think

    When you think of an influencer, images of picture-perfect Instagram models sitting on yachts in the most exotic places on earth flood your brain, right? You’re not alone. But we’re here to...
    Myriah Castillo
    By Myriah Castillo
    on September 17, 2020

    Social media audit: what, why & how?

    Humans love connecting with other humans – that’s the ultimate power of social media. It puts the power of connection in your fingertips, giving you the ability to connect with millions of people a...
    Myriah Castillo
    By Myriah Castillo
    on September 01, 2020

    Details matter: Best time to post on social media

    Social media marketing can be pretty tough. Sometimes you might feel like you’re whispering into the wind. Why spend any time creating and scheduling content that your...
    Myriah Castillo
    By Myriah Castillo
    on August 11, 2020

    A social media calendar template you can actually use

    Need more hours in the day? You’re likely strapped for time and trying to figure out how to fit a hundred hours of work into forty. Making sure you keep your business ...
    Myriah Castillo
    By Myriah Castillo
    on August 03, 2020
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